Counseling Services

The mission of LSUS Counseling Services is to serve LSU Shreveport's diverse campus community by providing mental health services and wellness support services that assist students in achieving their academic and life goals while enhancing their personal growth and wellbeing. Counseling Services provides everything from personal counseling, support groups, anxiety reduction services and mental health resources to personal development workshops, meditation and classroom presentations. 

Confidentiality & Ethical Guidelines
The Counseling Services staff regards your inquiry, concerns, and discussions as private and confidential. The counselors are under ethical and legal obligations not to release any information regarding your contact with the center without your written permission. The counselors follow the ethical and legal guidelines of their profession and licensing board. These guidelines and the limits of confidentiality (for example, in situations where the student is of danger to themselves or others) are fully discussed during the student's initial session.

Other Counseling Services Pages
Resource Guide
What We Offer

Personal Counseling

Counseling Services offers short-term solution-focused counseling to facilitate personal and professional growth and the development of healthy coping strategies for managing life’s challenges. We provide counseling for issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, stress, focus issues, academic concerns, self-efficacy and more! Services are offered in-person and over telehealth. Off-campus resources are provided to students in need of more significant treatment intervention and/or medication. Also, counseling is FREE and confidential. 

Who is Eligible for Counseling Services? 

These services are available to any currently enrolled LSUS undergraduate or graduate student. Students can be enrolled on either a full-time or part-time basis. All services are free, voluntary, and confidential. Due to state licensure, this service is limited to those residing in Louisiana, but one-time consultations with out-of-state students are available upon request.Out-of-state students CAN schedule meditation appointments, attend virtual events when offered & are eligible for a one-time consultation via phone or Zoom. 

Scheduling a Counseling Session 

Students can schedule a counseling session by clicking here or contact us at or 318-797-5365 for more information. 

Resource Guide

We know that college can be especially stressful as students confront new responsibilities, life choices, and commitments. During these times, it may be difficult to know if you are experiencing "normal" college challenges or something of greater concern. It is not a weakness to ask for assistance. Rather, coping with these difficulties is often made easier when you seek out information and guidance, or share your concern with others. 

Request a referral for Off-Campus Services. 

Relax & Refresh

Schedule a Relaxation Session with our Wellness Coach today for the ultimate escape from life’s stressors. Our Relaxation sessions are designed to help students cultivate a calming and safe space wherever they are, through a variety of accessible resources, such as ambient noise, breathing techniques, visual cues and tactile experiences. With practice, students will better identify sources of over-stimulation, sensory triggers and how their body responds to stress, all while crafting a series of private and personalized meditation sessions with their Wellness Coach. These sessions will teach students how to regulate their nervous system through creating an environment that is conducive to experiencing deep relaxation. Our philosophy is that life stressors and sensory overload can be managed when self-care is practiced in a meaningful and thoughtful way! 

How to get started: 

Call, email or stop by the front desk to schedule your Relaxation Session. Relaxation Sessions are conducted in-person and over Zoom and are available toface-to-face, ONLINE & OUT-OF-STATE students. Students will be asked to complete a brief survey prior to their appointment to help us personalize their meditation experience. Session length ranges from 15-30 minutes, based on individual need. Counseling services are not a requirement for a Relaxation Session, however, your Wellness Coach may recommend them. 

Connect with Us

LSUS Counseling Services has a multitude of ways to connect and find useful resources for health and wellbeing. From campus events to a YouTube channel, Counseling Services wants to be your mental health resource. 

What We Offer > 

Meet the Counseling Team

Kendal Redel, MS, LPC
Director of Counseling Services

Sarah Moreno, MS, LPC
Mental Health Counselor

Cooper Johnson, Wellness Coach